Diarrhea Outbreak hits Solomon Islands. Photo credit: newsinfo.inquirer.net.

Diarrhea Outbreak hits Solomon Islands. Photo credit: newsinfo.inquirer.net.

An outbreak of diarrhea in six provinces is threatening the lives of hundreds of children, and health authorities are concerned that patients are presenting too late to benefit from life-saving medicines.

Many studies have shown that Oral Rehydration Salts, ORS for short, and Zinc Sulphate are ‘super drugs’ which can save children’s lives.

Director of Pharmacy, Timmy Manea said yesterday that “No child should die from diarrhea, as effective treatment is available to all Solomon Islanders.

He said these medicines are most effective when used as soon as a child has diarrhea, not waiting until they are very sick.

He advises children must be taken to a clinic immediately so that they can receive the benefit of treatment with Zinc and ORS.

He said when given together, ORS and Zinc dramatically reduce the risk of death from diarrhea.

The Pharmacy Director said, diarrhea remains a leading cause of death for children in the Solomon Islands and changing this is a priority for the Ministry of Health.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health says it is urging all nurses to provide both Zinc and ORS to all children presenting with diarrhea.

The Ministry also said patients must request these medicines at their local health clinics.

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