A Biometric Voter Registration sticker. Photo: SIBC.

A Biometric Voter Registration sticker. Photo: SIBC.

While a number of Voter Registration Centres, VRC, have recorded low registration turn out, a number of centres across the country have recorded the opposite during the first week of registration.

A visit by SIBC stringer, Gabriel Riotarau to the Veravaolu VRC in East Central Guadalcanal found out that registration in that centre is more than satisfactory.

Mr Riotarau reports, Veravaolu assistant data registration officers Adrian Sade and Simon Balo confirmed, voters’ registration was consistent since last Monday.

He reports, the officers told him they may experience low turnout in the next VRC because of various reasons.

“Adrian Sade and Simon Balo are the two Assistant Data Officers and they said registration is running smoothly at the first registration centre, as conducted by the team, and they should leave by 5pm today. I asked them on voter’s turn out, and they added it is good. They said we won’t expect people queuing up in other places because of the rural setting.”

SIBC News understands the East Central Guadalcanal Constituency has five VRCs.

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