A busy day for traffic in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Photo: SIBC.

A busy day for traffic in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Photo: SIBC.

Another one-way access road into Honiara will be introduced to road users at the Rock Haven Road, starting today.

According to the Ministry of Infrastructure Development, the Rock Haven Road one-way access road is expected to address the on-going traffic congestion experienced in Honiara.

Director for Infrastructure Development, Harry Rini told SIBC News, the road will only allow traffic going west ward into Honiara.

Mr Rini says there will be signs to assist drivers and road users on how to use the road, including an entry sign to tell drivers they can only enter at that point, and not exit.

“There will be a couple of signs that we will put up at the inlet at the ITA hardware indicating ‘No Through Traffic’. Drivers will have access to go in at the ITA junction but will only go through the Provincial Press road outlet, but we will not allow drivers to go in from the ITA inlet, which will only allow a one way traffic. Police will be available to direct the traffic during this one way traffic trial.”

The Director for Infrastructure Development also made a public appeal for cooperation and understanding from drivers and road users.

“Drivers and the public need to understand that the Ministry is trying to take measures to control the traffic congestion which we usually face during peak hours. So I think from MID and the police we need your cooperation, especially drivers, though there will be confusion initially, but we hope with cooperation from you with MID, we maybe able to see some improvements on our traffic situation.”

The Rock Haven road is the second road being used on the trial as a one-way access road.

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