Water from a tap. Photo credit: SIBC.

Water from a tap. Photo credit: SIBC.

Six Solomon Islands communities have successfully completed mapping out their climate change adaptation plans.

The plans are a result of an intensive work in collaboration with rural communities including – Ferafalu in the Malaita Province, Tuwo in the Temotu Province, Santa Catalina in the Makira-Ulawa Province, Tigoa in the Rennell and Bellona Province, Taro in the Choiseul Province and Gizo in the Western Province.

The process was facilitated by the Solomon Islands Water Sector Adaptation Project (SIWSAP) and the Solomon Islands Government Divisions of Water Resources, Climate Change, and Environmental Health.

Deputy Director for the Water Resources Division, Isaac Lekelalu said SIWSAP’s key objective is to improve the resilience of water resources to climate change impacts in order to improve the health, sanitation and quality of people’s life.

“I think the project objective is to make the resource resilient so that it’s always there when you need it. The main goal of the project is that water must be available at all times for the community. You must consider any available sources and we are looking at multiple sources. At times people heavily rely on water tanks for their daily needs, but when it’s short they don’t have enough.”

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