The Honiara Central Market. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Honiara Central Market. Photo credit: SIBC.

A concerned Honiara mother says she is disappointed with the manner in which the Honiara City Council’s Law Enforcement Division handle kids at the Central Market.

Requesting anonymity, the mother says she is really disappointed with how HCC law enforcers cruelly handle children at the Honiara Central Market.

She says, while she understands it is their role to uphold the market by-laws, it does not justify how they harshly treated children who are selling products at the market.

The woman adds, the law enforcers patrolling the market, target mostly children who are selling betel-nut while adults who are also selling betel nuts are left alone.

She also calls for the Law Enforcement Division to review its rules adding, children should never be treated harshly.

Meanwhile a spokesman for the Honiara City Council Law Enforcement, says he is not aware of such treatment from his officers towards children at the market, adding his officers are only doing their job to uphold the Central Market by laws.

He says the Enforcers are working in collaboration with the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force and if anyone breaks the law then they will be arrested and handed over to the police.

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