Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast. Photo credit: SIBC.

Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast. Photo credit: SIBC.

Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast says people who suffered police brutality should report this to the police.

Speaking at this media conference last Thursday, Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast said incidences of police brutality should be reported to the police for proper investigations.

“If anyone’s got concerns of how police have treated them then they should raise those concerns and we’ll have them properly investigated. Police officers are given powers and authority but they have to use those powers and authority in accordance with the law and I can say that where we do have those sort of issues raised, we do investigate them very thoroughly.”

The Police Commissioner also explained the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force has very strict guidelines in using force.

“We have very strict guidelines around the use of force and we also have very good training around the use of force and we expect our officers to operate inside those guidelines and in line with their training on these issues, so what I would ask is if anyone that are being mistreated by police, they should raise that issue with us and we’ve got mechanisms in place to deal with them.”

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