Polutry Layer chickens. Photo credit:

Polutry Layer chickens. Photo credit:

Chicken Layer farmers in the country are concerned chicken feed are short in supply and soon egg supplies will run out.

Unhappy Poultry farmers blame the Solomon Islands Ports Authority for failing to release chicken feed currently held up on the cargo boat ‘SOPRANO’ floating outside Point Cruz wharf for about two weeks now.

David Alaha is the poultry farmers voice.

“As chicken layer farmers we have experienced a huge loss in our business at the moment because of the delay of the vessel that transported the chicken layer feed. The vessel arrived in the country since the 4th of this month but is still birthing outside, and has caused us a huge loss.”

He says this is the first time farmers experience such delays.

“Two weeks ago the egg layer feed has run out. We need the feed as it produces a hormone that will influence the chickens to produce eggs and I have been farming the layers for 10 years and this is the first time I am using a different feed type and I don’t know what will happen to my layer chickens.”

Meanwhile, a spokesman for Ports Authority says they have a process to follow, saying when it comes to offloading containers from vessels proper documentation should be done first.

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