A soccer ball. Photo credit: Team USA Soccer Jersey.

A soccer ball. Photo credit: Team USA Soccer Jersey.

The West Are’Are Peace Tournament has ended without setbacks in Uhu village yesterday.

SIBC’s West Are Are Stringer Gabriel Riotarau says 20 football and 13 netball teams participated in the tournament which begun on boxing day 2016.

Mr Riotarau has the winners of the soccer tournament.

“To other prizes, the fourth prize of $6,000 went to Komasi FC from Waisisi, third prize of $10,000 with bronze medals went to Kinapa, the second prize is $15,000 with silver medals going to Warato FC, and the returning champion was St Paul Uhu with a $20,000 cash, a trophy and gold medals and that’s for soccer.”

He adds, the netball teams who also participated in the tournament were also awarded with prizes.

“The fourth prize of $4,000 cash went to St Joseph, Uhu, the third prize of $7,000 with bronze medals went to Wairokai, the second prize of $10,000 and silver medals went to Fajo and the first went to St Paul Uhu, the retaining champions scooping a $15,000 cash and gold medals.”

The tournament is sponsored by the MP for West Are Are Honourable John Maneniaru.

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