
Staffs from Solomon Airlines during the launching

The Domestic Tourism Bubble (DTB) Policy or Iumi Tugeda Holiday packages have been finally launched in line with the “Tourism in Focus 2021″ under the theme “Re-define, Re-adjust and Re-align.”

Speaking during the launching today, Minister for Culture and Tourism Bartholomew Parapolo said, the joint policy paper was presented before cabinet and was approved in November last year.

“A core team from our three ministries my ministry, ministry of Communication and Aviation and the ministry of public service have been working on the implementation of the policy,” Minister Parapolo said.

Meanwhile, Permanent Secretary Andrew Nihopara said, the domestic travel bubble is currently in its market test phase that will include public service workers from level 10 and above.

Mr Nihopara said, under the policy, public servants can spend up to 7 days in domestic tourism program at an accommodation of their choice, supported by Government policy restructure.

An initial more than 3,000 public servants will be staring target for the policy.

Packages under the DTB include both airline charges and accommodation costs.

The DTB initiatives funding mechanisms can be drawn from the Public Servant’s Annual Leave Passage Budget provision and savings created from the reduction of 21 days of annual leave days.

Currently, tourism operators in the provinces were involved in the initiative.

The domestic bubble was created to keep the tourism sector afloat amidst the halt of tourists coming into the country because of the covid-19 border restrictions.

By Sharon Nanau

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