Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. Photo credit: www.theepochtimes.com

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. Photo credit: www.theepochtimes.com

Prime Minister Manasseh Damukana Sogavare says the 2015 financial year will be complex to manage as the country’s economic outlook remains fragile.

Prime Minister Sogavare made the statement when moving the Motion of Resolution in parliament this morning.

He says the 2015 financial year will be complex to manage due to the suspension of the Gold Ridge mining and the ongoing reconstruction after the April flash floods.

“Mr. Speaker the 2015 financial year will be complex to manage as the economic outlook remains fragile and remains influenced by the suspension of mining at the Gold Ridge Mr. Speaker and of course the construction following the April 2014 floods Sir.”

The Prime Minister adds his government is committed to commencing structural reforms to the public service, the tax system and focus on the opportunity for a more vibrant economy under the 2015 budget.

“This Government Mr. Speaker is committed to many important reforms including commencing structural reform to the Public Service, the tax system and to focus on opportunities for a more vibrant economy Mr. Speaker with a broader base. We are determined Mr. Speaker to ensure the 2015 budget is setting the motion for this vision.”

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