Australian Government Delivers School Books to Temotu Province

Australian Government Delivers School Books to Temotu Province


The Australian and New Zealand governments are pleased to announce the successful delivery of textbooks to Temotu Province.

The Education Sector Support Program, a partnership between the Australian and New Zealand governments in collaboration with the Solomon Islands Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development (MEHRD), facilitated the delivery of 13 cartons of educational resources, aimed at enhancing access to quality education across the Solomon Islands.

The Australian and New Zealand governments are pleased to announce the successful delivery of textbooks to Temotu Province.

This initiative aims to improve educational access and quality across the Solomon Islands. Designed for Years 3, 4, and 5 students, the mathematics textbooks will be distributed to schools in Temotu Province.

“Many of our rural community schools that will directly be benefiting from these donated textbooks and science equipment are located in many of our small isolate and remote islands,” shared Temotu’s Chief Education Officer Peter Chaniel Waririu.

“Owning and accessing such quality teaching and learning textbooks and science equipment will definitely improve and add value to the mode of teaching and learning that happens in many of our rural community school classrooms.”

The textbooks were developed and printed by Cognition Education in partnership with MEHRD and funded by the Australian and New Zealand governments through ESSP.

The program continues working with MEHRD’s Education Resource Unit to distribute books to the remaining schools to ensure that children in all provinces benefit from these resources, highlighting the commitment to inclusive and high-quality education.

The partners in education continue working towards improving educational access, infrastructure, and resources, promoting quality teaching and learning across the provinces in Solomon Islands.



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