The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management, Conservation and Meteorology is pursuing strategic works on its major national programs and projects for sound environmental management and sustainable development plans.
Minister Responsible Samuel Manetoali made the statement during the World Environment Day last Friday.
Minister Manetoali said, his Ministry is pursuing strategic works to protect the biological diversity and adopt sound environmental management practices through the length of national development planing process.
“In doing so, my Ministry is pursuing strategic works on major national programs and projects for sound environmental management and sustainable development planning specified as follows: launch the MECDM Corporate Plan 2015-2017, this plan will guide the delivery of my ministry’s programs and services over the next three years, with the overall vision to ensure a safe, sustainable and resilient environment for Solomon Islands. Secondly; establish the first ever Protected Areas Act advisory committee under the Protected Areas Act 2010.”
The Environment Minister also announced major works under taken by his Ministry.
“For these I am hopeful that the declaration of the first ever protected area will be done by the end of this year. Thirdly; commence work on reviews of the Environment Act 1998 and the Wildlife Protection and Management Act 1999. These reviews are necessary and are relevant as to update how we regulate and cater for the different issues when dealing with prescribed developments and wildlife threats.”