
The Government has congratulated the Seventh Day Adventist Church on its 100th years anniversary in the Solomon Islands.

Speaking at a government-hosted luncheon yesterday to welcome the President of the SDA General Conference Pastor Ted Wilson, Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo said he acknowledges the church for its many contributions to the country’s development.

“I acknowledge its contributions in the areas of health services, education, training, shipping, governance and leadership, and I do not need to detail all the contributions that the church has made in the last hundred years, but I can testify to the contributions that it has made in building the people and communities of our country. I thank you President and the general conference, the regional divisions and the local missions for work that you have put in your hands to this purpose and outcomes. Mr. President the Government of Solomon Islands partners with all our churches and we will continue to support the churches’ work in the fields they engage in”.

Prime Minister Lilo also assured Pastor Ted Wilson the government will continue to acknowledge the partnership built with churches in the country, and continue to respect and honor the place and space churches have in the country’s national identity.

Unified Voice understands the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Solomon Islands will turn a hundred years old this year, since its first missionaries arrived in May 19, 1914.

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