Solomon Airlines aircraft at the Honiara International Airport. Photo credit: SIBC.

Solomon Airlines aircraft at the Honiara International Airport. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Solomon Islands Government will charter six flights to fly home
students studying in various educational institutions in Fiji.
Freelancer George Atkin reports,the charter flight arrangement is a
result of Solomon Islands Government’s refusal to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Fiji Government for the resumption of flights between the countries.

A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade says there is no break-down in the talks between Suva and Honiara over the current airlines impasse as reported in the media.

It says Solomon Islands discontinued the consultation because there is a need for further consultations between the government, Solomon Airlines and the Civil Aviation Department on the issues.The first chartered flight will be made between Wednesday, November 19 and November 26. SIBC News understands only Government sponsored students will return home on the chartered flights.

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