What typically happens when logging licenses are approved. Photo: New York Times

What typically happens when logging licenses are approved. Photo: New York Times

The Renbell Provincial Government says it has approved an application by Pacific Crest to lease the rest of its land in Rennell Island.

Renbel Premier Lency Tango says his government signed a lease agreement with Pacific Crest to lease and operate on just over ten hectares of its Lughughi land in West Rennell, and not in East Rennell as reported previously.

He says the Renbel Government’s land totals 16-point-one-seven hectares and six hectares of it was leased to E-T-H Global Investment and Partners Limited in 2008.

Mr Tango says Pacific Crest has a licence from the Commissioner of Forests to fell timber from the land.

The Rennell-Bellona Premier also said his government approved a business licence for Pacific Crest after the company met all the requirements needed to be granted the licenses.

Meanwhile, the Rennell-Bellona Premier says the lease to E-T-H Global Investment and Partners Limited is now a subject of dispute after the company subleased the land to Green Hill Enterprises Limited, a subsidiary of Samlimsan Solomon Islands Limited, without the consent of the Renbel Government.

The Attorney General’s Chambers has since described the sublease without Renbel Government’s consent, as illegal.

The Attorney Generals Chambers also says the sublease contravenes both the terms of felling licence and the lease agreement between the two parties.

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