Solomon Airlines 60th Anniversary Aviation Fair a Success
Solomon Airlines kicked off the program for their 60th Anniversary celebrations this week by staging a two-day Aviation Fair at the airline’s Henderson headquarters.
Peter Soqoilo, Solomon Airlines’ Chief Financial Officer officially launched the aviation expo. An address was also made by Mr. Moses Virivolomo the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Communication and Aviation.
Over two days, 160 students from 17 schools participated in a 30-minute tour and talk providing insights into airline and aviation operations and the Solomon Islands travel and tourism industry.
The students heard first-hand from aviation stakeholders including the Ministry of Communication and Aviation, CAASI, Aviation Security and Fires Service, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Bio Security, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Tourism Solomons, the Ministry of Environment Meteorology Services, Guadalcanal Travel Services, Travel Solomons and St John Ambulance.
Participating schools included Betikama Adventist College, Wood Ford International School, St Joseph’s Tenaru, SINU-School of Tourism, SINU-School of Business, Selwyn College, White River CHS, ST John CHS, Honiara High School, Don Bosco -School of Tourism, Don Bosco-Business/Automotive, Burns Creek CHS, St Nicholas College, Koloale CHS, Mbua Vale CHS, Naha CHS, Koloale CHS and Mbokona CHS.
“We were extremely pleased with the level of interest in this educational opportunity, and it was a fitting way to highlight Solomon Airlines’ 60th anniversary year,” said Mr David Keru, Marketing Officer.
“As part of our 60th anniversary celebration, we invited our partners to show our kids what we are doing in our various fields in this industry.
“Our young people came face to face with representatives from companies and industries which may one day be their future employers and learned about the important contribution that aviation has made and will continue to make to the Solomon Islands,” he said.
“Our stakeholders and partners have been a tremendous support to us and we warmly welcome and sincerely thank them for their support and contribution which has helped us to survive this far,” he added.
Other celebrations the national carrier has planned include the flagship Solomon Airlines 60th Anniversary Peace Marathon on 29th October, which is a joint initiative between the Ministry of Culture & Tourism, Tourism Solomons, Travel Solomons, and Solomon Airlines. On the eve of the Marathon, Solomon Airlines will also host a 60th Anniversary cocktail event for VIP government and commercial representatives, corporate sponsors, aviation and tourism partners and media.
Solomon Airlines will also host a 60th Anniversary celebration for the airline’s staff on Saturday 5th November. The evening will include live band entertainment, cultural performances by the staff of each department, awards for long-serving staff, and an Employee of the Year Award.
Solomon Airlines