The Solomon Islands Mission in Indonesia has been officially opened.
Speaking in Jakarta on Tuesday this week, Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo said this marks an important time in the relationship between Solomon Islands and the Republic of Indonesia.
Prime Minister Lilo also said the Solomon Islands mission in Indonesia is very unique, and marks a new and exciting era for the country as it joins the long list of regional and global governments to establish their missions in Jakarta.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister said Solomon Islands recognises the importance of strengthening its engagement with Indonesia, given its strategic location to markets in Asia and beyond.
He said the emergence of Indonesia as a key economic player in ASEAN and its willingness to support the Pacific is also critical.
He said Solomon Islands is prepared to partner with Indonesia for the benefit of both countries and the region.
The Prime Minister also said, Solomon Islands is willing to learn from the wealth of experiences that Indonesia can offer in economic and sustainable development, the transfer of knowledge and technology, and global security.