Premier Peter Ramohia and Prime Minister Sogavare with the policy documents. Photo credit: OPMC.

Premier Peter Ramohia and Prime Minister Sogavare with the policy documents. Photo credit: OPMC.

Malaita Premier Hon. Peter Chanel Ramohia says it has been the first time the provincial government has aligned its policy in accordance with that of the National Government.

Mr Ramohia told SIBC News in an exclusive interview in Auki yesterday.

He says an important aspect of the provincial policy document was that it reflects the priorities and policies of the Democratic Coalition for Change Government.

SIBC’s Fredrick Kusu reports from Auki.

“Premier Peter Ramohia said an important aspect of the document is that it reflects the priorities and policies of the Democratic Coalition for Change Government, which is the first ever for the province to formulate a policy that reflects the national policy.”

Mr Kusu reported the Premier as saying the reason for the policy alignment is for both governments to achieve their development objectives.

“Premier Ramohia said the reason why his government’s policy was aligned with that of the national government is for the national government to achieve its priority objectives while the Malaita provincial government will also implement the projects earmarked for the province.”

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