National Parliament of Solomon Islands. Photo credit: Synexe.

National Parliament of Solomon Islands. Photo credit: Synexe.

Parliament has been adjourned till 17 May.

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare announced the special adjournment in Parliament yesterday.

He explains, reasons for the special adjournment is that a Government delegation will be heading to Vanuatu next week to present the country’s bid to host the 2023 Pacific Games to the Pacific Games Council.

“I beg to move this adjournment on Tuesday 3rd May, 2016 Parliament shall then stand adjourn to Tuesday 17th May, 2016. The reason for this is that for whole the next week we will be going to Vanuatu Mr. Speaker for the presentation of the country’s bid for the 2023 Pacific Games Mr. Speaker.”

Meanwhile, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report will be tabled when Parliament resumes on 17 May 2016.

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare made the announcement when moving a special adjournment motion in Parliament yesterday.

Mr. Sogavare explains, the special adjournment will allow time for Members of Parliament to read through the five volumes TRC report and its recommendations.

He says the Government wishes to clarify the recommendations of the TRC report before Parliament resumes on 17th May.

“Mr. Speaker we would like to clarify the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which we would like Parliament to deliberate on when Parliament resumes Mr. Speaker. We all have five volumes of that report with us as the consultant we’ve engaged has completed work on the recommendations so that Parliament can deliberate on the report Mr. Speaker, so that will happen and we would like to have a full day to do that Mr. Speaker.”

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