Examination classes to resume school next week

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Dr. Franco Roddie

Examination classes in schools throughout the country are called on to resume classes next week, April 27th.

The Ministry of education recalled these classes except for schools within the emergency zones and those at the border.

The resumption will come in phases, and the first classes to resume are forms 3, 5, 6, and form 7 classes.

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Dr. Franco Roddie confirmed.

Mr. Roddie said, after the Ministry of Education has consultations with the COVID-19 Oversight Committee, and the Cabinet, they have endorsed the resumption of examination classes.

“The Ministry has endorsed, all schools in the provinces with examination classes to resume
except for schools in Honiara, Guadalcanal, Noro and Munda, Choiseul, and Shortland Islands.”

He said, all other school levels, form early childhood education, to form four, and training centres will remain close until further notice.

Mr. Roddie added, the Ministry is looking at ways to deal with examination classes within the emergency
zone and those at the borders.

SIBC News understands, examinations normally held every November, which is seven months away.

by Charley Piringi

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