Secretariat of the Pacific Community logo. Photo credit: SPC.

Secretariat of the Pacific Community logo. Photo credit: SPC.

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community, SPC, has recently completed a functional report on three Government Ministries to restructure their functional capacity.

SPC’s Trade Facilitator Assistant Gideon Bauro, Mark Petersen and Allan McNeal conducted the report on the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Ministry of Forestry and Lands and Housing.

Mr Bauro told SIBC News the report aims to strengthen and build the capacity of the three Government Ministries.

“The financial audit is to strengthen, build the capacity of each of the ministries and also to look at the possibility of restructuring the three government ministries so that they become functional, so that’s why they have called us to conduct the functional audit.”

He says they completed the report two weeks ago and have distributed copies to the relevant Ministries.

Meanwhile, he says they have requested the Solomon Islands National University’s Human Resource Department to supervise the Ministry of Forestry’s restructure.

“Why SPC has requested SINU to do this is because they have people who are very capable of carrying out restructuring in these issues of functions to meet our recommendations of the functional audit.”

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