The Tavanipupu Island Resort. Photo credit: www.tripadvisor.com

The Tavanipupu Island Resort. Photo credit: www.tripadvisor.com

The pressure group, Malaita Ma’asina Forum (MMF) has maintained its stand that the best way to deal with the Tavanipupu resort investment by the Solomon Islands National Provident Fund is through the High Court.

MMF General-Secretary Charles Ashley told a media conference, the issue can only be cleared at the High Court as the Land and Titles Act is very clear regarding the Tavanipupu land ownership.

SINPF yesterday said having the Tavanipupu Island Report Limited title for the next two years will improve its ability to recover its $15 million investment in the resort and open new investment landscape and options.

But Mr. Ashley said MMF still maintains its stand on the issue.

“We maintain that only at the High Court can this be cleared and in fact our land legislation states that once you lend out money, the Land and Titles Act is very clear that your security or land or the charge cannot operate as a transfer but belongs to the landowner. You can only be responsible for your money and if you cannot repay it, then apply to the court at stated clearly by the Land and Titles Act.”

Mr. Ashley said maintaining that this issue be settled out of court is misleading the general public.

“So when the former Chair of the NPF Board said they won’t need to settle it in court – claiming I said that they should settle it out of court – is really misleading the public, which is our stand.”

Meanwhile, SINPF said it now plans to take control over the Tavanipupu Island Resort Limited company management including appointing a new board fully controlled by NPF appointed directors.

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