Caretaker gov’t: Wale must apologize to former Malaita MPs in DCGA

Caretaker gov’t: Wale must apologize to former Malaita MPs in DCGA


The care- taker political government calls on former Member for Aoke/Langalanga, Matthew Wale to apologize to the former Malaita Members of Parliament in the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA).

The DCGA made the call in a press statement today after the former member for Aoke/Langalanga labeling former Malaita MPs in the DCGA as idiots and Judas during the CARE coalition launching in Auki, Malaita Province.

“Such comments are culturally insensitive, disrespectful and provocative. It has the potential to incite violence because the former Malaita MPs he labelled as idiots and Judas were elected by their people and such comments may not sit well with them.”

The statement added that the government is not taken aback though, such divisive politics has been the hallmark of Wale’s petty politics over the years. It is childish and of low standard for a national leader. 

“Wale needs to grow up from his petty politics and address issues like leaders would do. Wale should learn to be humble and respectful,” the DCGA statement highlighted.

“The former leader of opposition needs to be reminded that these former MPs and care- taker ministers are voted into parliament by their people. They are chosen and mandated by their people to represent them in parliament. Wale has no right to label these elected leaders in such careless manner,” the care- taker government pointed out.

The care- taker government pointed out that people of Langalanga are respectful and humble, yet are industrious and hardworking. Wale’s attitude does not speak well of the people he represented. His confrontational and provocative approaches are foreign and alien to Langalanga people. 

It seems the need to change leadership in Langalanga constituency is not merely for the sake of changing but it is a matter of urgency.

Meanwhile, former Malaita MPs in DCGA are questioning the editorial independence of Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation after the national broadcaster aired that piece.  

The former Malaita MPs call on SIBC to be fair and display professionalism in the discharge of its duties as a national broadcaster. 


Prime Minister’s Press Secretariat


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