HCC imposes spot-fine on business house and individual for littering

HCC imposes spot-fine on business house and individual for littering


The Honiara City Council (HCC) Law Enforcement officers have arrested two individuals and served them infringement notices for littering under the Litter Ordinance on Monday 26th February 2024.

The Kai Bar (Business House) breached the Seven Meters By-Law with a maximum penalty of $1000 on the spot fine. The other one is a passenger littering from a vehicle with a maximum penalty of $100 on-the-spot fine.

A statement from HCC said the action demonstrates to the city residents and the visiting public that Law Enforcement Officers are out to enforce the Council’s Ordinances and will not give warnings to anyone who breaches city ordinances.

Awareness programs on these issues have already been made clear through media outlets so there shouldn’t be  any more excuses.

On-spot fine is now enforced by the Law Enforcement Division, which means if someone is caught on the spot, he or she will be penalized with a maximum penalty.

The maximum penalty for a spot fine to business houses for breaching the seven meters by law is $1000 and refusal to pay will mount up to $10,000.

Littering from vehicles carries a maximum penalty of $100 and refusal to pay will amount to $2000.”

HCC reminds everyone to work together to make Honiara City great again.


HCC statement

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