The Homepage of the MEHRD website on display. Photo credit: GCU.

The Homepage of the MEHRD website on display. Photo credit: GCU.

The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development has announced they will be looking at less than 300 students for the additional scholarships for this year.

The Cabinet has approved the additional scholarships, estimated at more than $17 million last Wednesday and instructed the Ministry of Education to administer and facilitate the scholarships.

Supervising Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, James Bosamata told SIBC’s ‘Distaem Nao’ program today one of the main criteria is for students to submit their admissions.

“A main criteria is that the student must have admission from the institution, but it seems some of them may not have admissions so therefore, we will be looking at less than 300 or maybe less.”

Meanwhile, Mr Bosamata said the DCC Government is committed to providing opportunities for students who have attained good grades, but have no opportunity to fulfil their dreams through further education.

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