Former MEHRD Minister Dr Derek Sikua signing the release of the 2015 2015 Form Six placement results. Photo credit: SIBC.

Former Education Minister Dr Derek Sikua signing the release of the 2015 Form 6 placement results. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development will now release the 2016 Form 7 results after the papers were signed by the Supervising Minister of Education Hon. Jimson Tanagada this afternoon.

Speaking at the signing ceremony today, Undersecretary of the National Education Services, Constance Nasi announced that 663 students have been placed to continue with Form 7 this year.

“A total of 2,875 Form 6 students have sat for the exams in 2015 and we are pleased to announce that around 663 of them have been placed at various Form 7 schools throughout the country.”

She adds, out of these students, 471 of them are males while 192 are females, adding 23 percent of the Form 6 students who sat the exam last year have a placement in Form 7 this year.

“And of those 663 students, 471 of them are males and 192 of them are females. Now, of the 663, 401 students were placed in Form 7 Arts while 262 students were placed in Form 7 Science schools.”

Meanwhile, the results will be published in the newspapers tomorrow.

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