Beiporo Primary School receives double-storey classroom from Japan


Beiporo Primary School in Western Province has officially received a new double story classroom building from the Japanese Embassy during a handing over ceremony yesterday.

Speaking at the ceremony, Counsellor of the Japanese Embassy in Solomon Islands, Norimasa Yoshida said, he is pleased to officially witness the completion and official opening of the project.

Counsellor of the Japanese Embassy in Solomon Islands, Norimasa Yoshida with students from Beiporo Primary School at the new double-storey building

Mr. Yoshida says, the Classroom Building Project aims to improve education services infrastructure with the focus on basic education in Solomon Islands.

“Japan contributed about 686,000 (six hundred eighty-six thousand) Solomon dollars in total to provide better learning environment for children’s education today and into the future in Beiporo Primary School.”

“ I am sure we all recognize how important a well-educated and healthy youth population is to our collective future. Education allows you to have your dream and turn it into a reality; a dream that can make you more successful, open-minded, stronger, and better people.”

Mr. Yoshia also thanked the dedicated individuals who were instrumental in the successful competition of the project.

“I stand here to salute those dedicated individuals who paved the way from start to the completion of this Project.

Mr. Robson Apusae – Head Teacher of Beiporo Primary School, your effective executive and all stakeholders who collectively put hands together for the successful completion of this project within 1 year. I would like to express gratitude and appreciation for your positive commitment,” he said.

Mr. Yoshida also assured that Japan will continue its efforts in assisting the country’s education sector to nurture the cordial relationship between Japan and Solomon Islands.

Meanwhile, Beiporo Primary School Head Teacher, Robson Apusae said the ceremony marks another milestone in the history of Beiporo Community.

Counsellor of the Japanese Embassy in Solomon Islands, Norimasa Yoshida and Mr. Robson Apusae – Head Teacher of Beiporo Primary School.

“On the 6th of July 2022 the Western Provincial Government, through the WDC handed over a community hall.

Today we are here again to witness another major project funding by our donor partner the Japanese Government.”

Mr. Apusae also thanked the Japanese government and its people for the prestigious gift, through the grassroots and human security program.


By Ian Kaukui

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