BRED Bank a major player in the banking industry

BRED Bank a major player in the banking industry


Head of international- BRED Bank, Stephane Mangiavacca, currently in the country has met Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare MP, affirming the bank’s full commitment to continue its growth in Solomon Islands. 

Mr. Stephane stated, BRED Bank has quickly established its presence in Solomon Islands and is now a major player in the banking industry in the South Pacific, having operations in Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia. 

“BRED Bank has been very successful in growing its business in Solomon Islands in a relatively short period of time, having officially opened in 2018 and that BRED Bank is fully committed to continue its growth in Solomon Islands and the other South Pacific countries it is present in.” 

Without divulging too much detail, the Head of International (BRED) pledged the Bank’s partnership in improved investment given a consistent conducive environment for economic growth.  

Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare applauded BRED’s investment in the country as a sign of confidence in our business environment. 

PM Hon. M. Sogavare garlanding Head of international- BRED Bank, Stephane Mangiavacca with a shell money gift

BRED must remain a financial game changer, a driver in financial inclusion programs, the PM underscored. 

“The Government is all for the right legislation and policy reforms that boost investment growth in the country. Work has commenced in the process of improving these pieces of legislation.” 

He further stated, work has also started in addressing challenges such as getting more rural Solomon Islanders to use banking services instead of keeping cash at home. 

The improvement of Telecommunication services in the country is a major catalyst for village internet banking.


Prime Minister’s Press Secretariat   

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