Stay out of politics: Wale tells loggers

Stay out of politics: Wale tells loggers


Leader of Opposition Hon Matthew Wale has lashed out at the Solomon Forest Association (SFA) calling on them to stay out of politics.

In a statement today, Hon Wale has condemned SFA’s alleged support to the Prime Minister’s political party, Our Party.

This followed media reports in the Island Sun this week that SFA members supported the Our Party fundraising at the Cowboys Grill on Saturday last week.

The media reported that vice president of SFA Philip Tiew invited all their member companies on behalf of Our Party to support the political fundraiser.

“I am calling on loggers to stay out of our politics. Our Party is the Prime Minister’s political party and this already raises suspicion of SFA’s involvement and financial support to the Prime Minister’s party ahead of the National Elections,” Hon Wale said.

The Opposition Leader said this country had had enough of Governments’ backed and controlled by loggers.

Hon Wale said people of this country should never vote for candidates or any political party backed by loggers.

“It is very clear that Our Party and this current government is backed by loggers and recent media reports only confirm the concerns raised by many people in this country,” he said.

The Opposition Leader said this country is fed up with logging companies always influencing the formation of the government in every election.

“The political history of this country is that governments are no longer formed from a national vision, direction but from handouts from loggers. This must be stopped,” he said.

Hon Wale said Solomon Islands needs a change of government and leadership that is not driven by logging money but by the passion to see a change for a better future for our children.

“I call on all ordinary Solomon Islanders who want to see change in leadership and direction to make the first step and not to vote for candidates that are linked to loggers especially Our Party and DCGA,” he said.


Opposition office

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