The Central Bank of Solomon Islands. Photo: Courtesy of CBSI.

The Central Bank of Solomon Islands. Photo: Courtesy of CBSI.

The Central Bank of Solomon Islands, today awarded five Solomon Islands women with the National Women Micro Entrepreneur Awards in Honiara.

The women are small business owners who are involved in the Micro-finance savings club, which was introduced by CBSI to help people in the rural communities open bank accounts to save their money.

The micro business award is a new award held for the first time to recognize the hard work of women who are running their small businesses in their communities.

CBSI Governor, Denton Rarawa announced, the award is likely to be held annually.

Mr Rarawa also congratulated the award recipients.

Meanwhile, the first prize winner is Agnes Pilopaso of East Guadalcanal who become $10,000 richer.

Meanwhile, winner of the National Women Micro Entrepreneur Awards Agnes Pilopaso of East Guadalcanal who was awarded 10 thousand dollars today says she is really happy to receive the award.

In an interview with SIBC News Ms Pilopaso thank the Central Bank of Solomon Islands for recognizing her hard work.

She now hopes her business will flourish.

“I am very excited because this is the first time I was awarded so I am very happy and my family will be very happy once I get home with the award as I do not expected to receive it today and I hope my business will expand. Currently I am starting a second business in tourism and hope to complete that by next year.”

Ms Pilopaso is a 28 year old woman who helped her family to farm cocoa has joined the Micro Finance Savings Club.

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