Cabinet Approves Friday Weekly Clean ups for Ministries leading up to PG 2023.


Solomon Islands Cabinet  last Thursday, 9 March 2023, has approved the weekly Friday Clean-ups for all Public Servants in Government Ministries, Honiara City Council and Guadalcanal Province.

This decision by Cabinet follows the successful launch of the Safe and Green Games Strategy early this month and the Ministerial Call to Action, Major Clean up in the City on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th March 2023.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Public Service, Nego Sisiolo, in a circular memo, conveyed Cabinet Decision to all Government Ministries, HCC and Guadalcanal Province, and requested cooperation from all to implement the Cabinet Decision.

In a Press Conference last Friday, Secretary to Prime Minister Dr. Jimmie Rodgers confirmed, the government is taking this step to assist the Honiara City Council Clean-up campaign ahead of November’s Pacific Games.

Secretary to prime Minister Dr. Jimmie Rodgers, speaking at the Media Press Conference.

He explained, with the Cabinet Decision, Ministries, and their respective Agencies would concentrate on their allocated Zones from Henderson Airport Area to White River Bus Stop, during the Friday weekly Clean up Campaigns.



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