Category: Pacific

PALM10 Declaration Commits to Japan’s Pacific Bond (Kizuna) Policy and its alignment to the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent

PALM10 Declaration Commits to Japan’s Pacific Bond (Kizuna) Policy and its alignment to the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent

Sharon Nanau- July 21, 2024

By Sharon Nanau The tenth Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM10) concluded in Tokyo, Japan with leaders re-affirming their commitment to Japan’s Pacific Bond (Kizuna) Policy ... Read More

PM Manele says lack of scientific report on Fukushima nuclear water discharge creates uncertainty for Pacific countries

PM Manele says lack of scientific report on Fukushima nuclear water discharge creates uncertainty for Pacific countries

Fredrick Kusu- July 18, 2024

By Sharon Nanau in Tokyo, Japan Solomon Islands Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele said the Pacific region's reliance on the ocean and absence of national and ... Read More

Hayashi: Japan-Pacific bond built through mutual trust

Hayashi: Japan-Pacific bond built through mutual trust

Fredrick Kusu- July 17, 2024

By Sharon Nanau in Tokyo, Japan At the opening of the 10th Pacific Leaders Meeting (PALM10) in Tokyo Japan, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi ... Read More

Workshop on harnessing new and innovative technology for tackling corruption in the Pacific underway in Fiji

Workshop on harnessing new and innovative technology for tackling corruption in the Pacific underway in Fiji

Fredrick Kusu- May 30, 2024

By Ian Kaukui in Fiji A 3-day regional workshop that looks towards addressing corruption by way of harnessing new and innovative technologies that promotes accountability ... Read More

ABC hosts inaugural Pacific Australia Media Leaders Meeting in Sydney

ABC hosts inaugural Pacific Australia Media Leaders Meeting in Sydney

Fredrick Kusu- March 2, 2024

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Managing Director David Anderson and Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) President and National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) Papua New Guinea Managing ... Read More

PACER Plus Workshop Empowers Pacific Countries in Revenue Mobilisation

PACER Plus Workshop Empowers Pacific Countries in Revenue Mobilisation

Fredrick Kusu- February 27, 2024

The Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) Plus Implementation Unit (PPIU) is currently hosting a three-day Dialogue for Revenue Mobilisation for PACER Plus parties ... Read More

Pacific Leaders support for High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution

Pacific Leaders support for High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution

Fredrick Kusu- February 14, 2024

Given the negative impact of plastic pollution on Pacific communities, Pacific Leaders at the 52nd Pacific Islands Forum Meeting in the Cook Islands last year ... Read More