Calvin Ziru. Photo credit: GCU.

Calvin Ziru. Photo credit: GCU.

The Registrar of the Political Parties Integrity Commission, Calvin Ziru says, chairman of the Commission is having a dialogue with the Governor General Sir Frank Kabui over Political Parties coalition by Tuesday, latest.

Mr Ziru says, his office have had to first convene a Political Parties Commission meeting today.

He says the Commission meeting is to review the documents and formalize the coalition submission from four political parties – Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement (SIPRA) the Democratic Alliance Party (DAP), the Solomon Islands People First Party (SIPFP) and the Peoples’ Alliance Party (PAP) submitted to his office over the weekend.

He says the meeting was supposed to be held yesterday afternoon but could not eventuate because of time pressure.

Mr Ziru adds, after the Commission meeting, the Political Parties Integrity Commission Chair will await a confirmation from the Government House on an audience with the Governor General on the Coalition submission.

Mr Ziru was talking on SIBC’s Talk Back Show yesterday.

“We will be convening the Political Parties Commission meeting, it was meant for late this afternoon because of the issue of time, it will most likely be early tomorrow morning and provided the Government House confirming the appointment with His Excellency. We expect to go up to Government House for the audience by the Chairman with His Excellency at the latest by Tuesday.”

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