SIEC logo. Photo credit: Youtube.

SIEC logo. Photo credit: Youtube.

The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) clarifies – a person does not have to be a registered voter to be nominated as a candidate in a national election.

The Commission says, a person can be nominated provided he is 21 years old, a Solomon Islands citizen and does not meet any of the grounds for disqualification under Section 49 of the Constitution.

Referring to an article in the “letters to the editor section ” in Wednesday’s Solomon Star issue, it says the article correctly pointed out as before, that there is a difference between the eligibility requirements under the National Parliament Electoral Provisions Act and the Political Parties Integrity Act.

The Commission added that under the new Political Parties Integrity Act, a candidate intending to contest as a party candidate must be a registered voter in accordance with Section 46 of the Act.

However, the administration of this Act is the responsibility of the Political Parties Commission and not SIEC, adding all inquiries about these provisions should be directed to the Political Parties Commission.

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