Chance of cyclone forming as heavy rain hits the Solomons


An example of a tropical cyclone. Photo: Cairn Spots

The Solomon Islands Meteorological Service is forecasting a moderate chance of a tropical cyclone developing in the Coral Sea by the weekend.

Director of the meteorological service, David Hiriasia, said an active monsoon trough is linked to a low-pressure system in the northern Coral Sea between Solomon Islands and Australia.

He said the low-pressure system is expected to continue influencing weather in the country.

“The outlook is this low-pressure has a moderate chance of changing into a tropical cyclone by the weekend,” Mr Hiriasia said. “The conditions are favourable, so we are continuing to monitor it.”

A heavy rain warning is currently in effect for all provinces.

And Mr Hiriasia said the peak of the wet season is on the way.

“Most of the flooding that happens in Solomon Islands happens within the months of February, March and April,” he said. “So, people, please take note that the weather is starting to change.”

By Allen Waitara

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