Dolphin hunts concern resort owners


A Dolphin
Photo: Dolphin Project

Small resort owners off North West Guadalcanal coast warn, the resurgence of dolphin hunting within their coastal territory is impacting negatively on their businesses.

Alister Morris Pae, owner of the Aruligho Dolphin View Beach personally witnessed an open boat with about four people onboard intruded into his coastal sea front and pitilessly speared one of the mammals.

Mr Alister said, Dolphin poaching affects his business as international guests and people from Honiara travelling to his resort will soon have no dolphins to view.

He said, this illegal activity is a big hole in small resort owners’s purse.

Mr. Alister added, people of North West Guadalcanal have stopped hunting for Dolphin teeth and meat and so others should not hunt dolphins at their costal waters.

“We no longer kill the dolphins for their teeth and meat now. Dolphins are part of our lives now, they are our beauty, part of our sea’s environment.
If you go to our area on land you will see flowers , they are our beauty there. And if you go to the sea you will see the dolphins, our beauty there.
So please, i appeal to you who are hunting them to stop.

The resort owner wants the Fisheries and Police Ministries to tighten sea patrol around their coast to stop such cruel and illegal activities.

Mr. Alister suggested, a fisheries toll free number must be made known to fishermen and resort owners to assist restrain illegal Dolphin hunting along the North West Guadalcanal coast.

By: Leni Dalavera


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