Director of Governance at the Prime Minister's office, Calvin Ziru. Photo credit: GCU.

Director of Governance at the Prime Minister’s office, Calvin Ziru. Photo credit: GCU.

The office of the Political Parties Registrar has put out for public viewing a notice of the first six political parties application for registration.

Designate Registrar of political parties, Calvin Ziru told SIBC News, one of the reasons for the notice is to invite from the public, objections regarding these applications.

Mr Ziru explains, objections maybe made on one of the following grounds – the application is not in accordance with the Act, the proposed name or symbol is offensive or any other issues the registrar may deem appropriate.

He says, this is a requirement under the new Political Parties Integrity Act.

“Under the Political Parties Act the Registrar is required by the law to publish an advertisement putting out a notice for the public to take note of the registration of the political parties in Solomon Islands. A 14 days notice is required and after this 14 days notice, members of the public can submit in any objections they might have of any political party.”

Mr Ziru explains, in the event an objection is received, the office of the registrar will provide a further five days to the objected party to respond or make amendments before the Political Parties Commission is convened.

According to the Political Parties Integrity Act, his office will continue to receive an application from political parties wishing to be registered up until the date the Governor General announces the election date.

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