Good Samaritan Hospital Celebrates 15th Anniversary


Good Samaritan Hospital in Tetere, North Guadalcanal celebrated its 15 years anniversary today at the hospital’s compound.

The hospital was built by the AMIS (Amici Missione Isole Solomon) and presented as a gift from Italian Volunteers to Solomon Islands in 2008.

Bishop Lucian Capelii (C) and Staff of the Good Samaritan Hospital

Speaking to SIBC News, Bishop Lucian Capelli says it is through the dream of volunteers that the hospital was established.

“This hospital is number one. One in the sense that it is the fruit of the communion of people with volunteers without enough funds and only good will. 

So, for the past 15 years we have seen the dream come true and the dream is now alive and is open to bigger things depending on how the people can work together.”

Bishop Capelli was one of the important figures behind the establishment of the hospital in aims of providing health services to people of Solomon Islands.

 He said the partnership between the hospital and stakeholders was an important aspect towards the hospital’s establishment.

“This is the fruit of the dream of several people. It is not something that people were forced into, they decided themselves and what is beautiful is landowners, volunteers including relevant stakeholders got together to build this.”

Guadalcanal Provincial Health Director Joel Denty (L) Bishop Lucian Capelii (C) and Guadalcanal Premier Francis Sade cutting the Anniversary cake

“The question some people ask is, who is the boss of this hospital? Is it the Ministry? Or is it the volunteers or those that built it? The answer is the sick person. He is the center and all of us are there to serve them.  As long as that is our attitude we will not quarrel about land or anything else,” he said.

The hospital was built following a signed contract of 50 years between the landowners and the Italian Volunteers.

Bishop Capelli said he is now concerned with further developments planned for the hospital without perpetual title being given.

“To hear all the dreams of people today I am a little bit afraid because it seems it is becoming a provincial hospital and I don’t know if we are ready for that. I think the land issue should be settled; we should have the perpetual title to be able to plan on a longer range.”

“With 35 years left, our dream should be limited to that unless we all agree to discuss and get more people involved, and if the perpetual title comes there’ll be big donors coming in.”

Meanwhile, Landowner Representative, Henry Saea assures they will continue to work with the hospital for further developments.

 “We will continue to support this hospital and the services that it continues to provide for our people. We have allowed land for development of public entities. We have hosted schools and hospitals, so I think we’ve done something to give back to the community as well.”

Henry Saea

“I am proud that the dreams my uncles had in supporting this hospital is fulfilled. 15 years ago, we would not have thought we’d come this far but now with the facilities it has, it is a big achievement. Our children, women and the disabled can access health services here rather than going to Honiara.”

Some of the services that the hospital provides which are yet to be provided in other provincial health centers are an NCD Clinic, a Pikinini Clinic, X-ray, and Laboratory.

Medical Officer of GSH, Dr. Zimlon Bosawai says the hospital is on the path to providing services according to the Ministry of Health’s Role Delineation Policy.

Dr. Zimlon Bosawai

“I believe one day this hospital will be the first area health center to fulfill this policy and we are working towards that now. I am looking at all possible avenues to work alongside our partners and I thank the Ministry of Health for always believing in us, and also to all our other partners.

If we have better infrastructures and all human resources available, I believe this hospital will be more developed and it will even reduce the influx of patients going to the National Referral Hospital,” he said.


By Eliza Kukutu

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