Covid-19 Allowances for Front-line Workers sent for Processing


A batch of long-standing claims for frontline health workers Covid 19 allowances, has now been sent to the Ministry of Finance and Treasury for process of payments.

Covid-19 vaccination team at SIBC grounds

Minister of Health and Medical Services Honorable Dr. Culwick Togamana announced this during the proceedings on the Committee of Supply stage on the 2022 Appropriation Bill 2022 in parliament today.

Hon. Togamana made the announced after the Leader of Opposition, Honorable Matthew Wale requested the health Ministry and the Ministry of Finance to inform the committee on the issue of arrears of covid-19 allowances for frontline workers.

He said there is a process of verification of claims done by his Ministry before the payment is processed by the Ministry of Finance.

There is a process that needs to be adhered to. Especially the claims made by the frontliners, we need to check the documentations, and everything needs to be verified before the claims are sent to Finance to process the payments.

 And when the paperwork’s are not conclusive, that is where bottleneck comes in. But I am glad to inform the house that a batch of the long outstanding claims from last year has been sent to the Ministry of Finance to process the release of payments,” said the Minister.

Meanwhile, when asked to inform the committee on the confirmation of payments made to the Ministry of Finance, Minister of Finance and Treasury, Hon. Harry Kumar said he cannot confirm the clearance of payments but assures there is funding allocated for Covid-19 allowances.

I do not have the data with me, whether it has been cleared or not, the Minister of Health has updated us that they have submitted papers to the Ministry.  

As I’ve said, the funding is there, under the covid funding so we take note of that and we will follow up on the payments, so it is cleared,” Hon. Kumar stated.

SIBC News understands frontliners from various line Ministries have not received their Covid-19 allowance since last year.

By Eliza Kukutu

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