Court. Photo credit: SIBC.

Court. Photo credit: SIBC.

A well known gospel singer is on trial at the Magistrate’s Court, accused of defiling his former girlfriend.

He allegedly had sex with the young girl on four separate occasions, between May 2010 and April 2011.

Their sexual activities took place at the victim’s home, at the Boneghe beach and at the accused’s home.

The victim was only 13 years old during that period and a form one student in a Honiara school.

Now 17 years old, she testified before the Court, yesterday morning.

In her testimony, she said she was an innocent young school girl when they started their relationship.

She said she told the accused she was too young to have sex, but he insisted so she gave in.

She also told the Court that her mother knew she was having a relationship with the accused, but she didn’t mind.

The trial continued yesterday afternoon with the defense’s cross-examination.

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