Inside the National Parliament. Photo credit: National Parliament of Solomon Islands.

Inside the National Parliament. Photo credit: National Parliament of Solomon Islands.

The Government is set to table the Police and Transport Legislation (Amendment) (Alcohol Testing) Bill 2016, Penal Code (Amendment) (Sexual Offences) Bill 2016 and Anti-Corruption Bill 2016, next week.

Prime Minister Hon Manasseh Sogavare announced this in Parliament this morning when delivering the Statement of Government Business for the week ending Friday 6th May 2016.

He says Police and Transport Legislation (Amendment) (Alcohol Testing) Bill and the Penal Code (Amendment) (Sexual Offences) Bill will be subject to Second Reading and Debate, Committee Stage of the Whole House Examination and Third Reading on Monday and Tuesday respectively.

Meanwhile, the Anti-Corruption Bill will be tabled on Wednesday, adding, its debate will follow right after its presentation to be concluded on Thursday.

“Wednesday May 4th, 2016 Bills. Bills second reading the Anti-Corruption Bill 2016 debate commences and continues. Motions, Motion of Adjournment Thursday 5th May, 2016 Bills. Bills second reading, the Anti-Corruption Bill 2016 debate continues and concludes. Bills, Committee of the Whole House, the Anti-Corruption Bill 2016. Bills third reading, the Anti-Corruption Bill 2016 motions, motion of adjournment.”

Parliament is adjourned till 9:30am next Monday.

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