Opposition strong ahead of no-confidence motion


The MPs in the Opposition Group. Photo: Office of the Leader of Opposition

The Opposition Group is claiming the support of 27 Members of Parliament ahead of the motion of no confidence in Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare that is expected to be moved in Parliament tomorrow.

In a statement released today, the Opposition said the group “has remained loyal since day one”.

It said the photo of the 27 MPs in the Opposition Group, which was released with the statement, was a show of solidarity and a demonstration of the group’s determination to oust the Prime Minister.

The Opposition Group said the photo should also dismiss government claims about Opposition MPs switching sides.

The 27 MPs said to be in the Opposition Group are:

Jeremiah Manele
Rick Hou
Connelly Sandakabatu
Peter Tom
Steve Abana
Derrick Manuari
Dr Culwick Togamana
Dr Derek Sikua
David Tome
Alex Lionel
Martin Kealoe
Manasseh Maelanga
Charles Sigoto
Alfred Ghiro
Sam Iduri
Bodo Dettke
Douglas Ete
David Dei Pacha
Samson Maneka
Jimmy Lusibaea
Matthew Wale
Moffat Fugui
Snyder Rini
Danny Philip
Elijah Doro Muala
Chris Laore
Namson Tran

The motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister can be moved in Parliament tomorrow. It has been seven clear days since Leader of the Parliamentary Independent Group Dr Derek Sikua gave notice of the motion to Speaker of Parliament Ajilon Jasper Nasiu on Sunday, October 29.

The reason for the motion of no confidence has not been revealed, but the mover is expected to state his reason when moving the motion.

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