Investing in Women Initiatives – Not a waste of Money


“When helping women in our villages – Government is not wasting money; in fact, women need support and guidance to even start businesses or access to finance.”

Deputy Secretary Ministry of Commerce Mr Eric George made the statement in response to an article by the Island Sun “Waste of Money”.

For Sepi Women Inshore Fisheries Initiative it is a pity that they are facing challenges that can and should be resolved amicably at a community level. 


“I therefore urge Sepi Community leaders to must pull together to help Sepi women to resolve matters of discontent and continue and participate in business and fisheries – a key industry with huge potential in that part of Isabel”, Mr George said.

“The Government had supported the Sepi Women’s initiative with equipment, freezer storage facility and an OBM. We plan to further support them with additional equipment this year”, he added. 

In fact, we want to expand our support to women initiatives in fisheries to other villages around Isabel and other Provinces as women are key players in our Fisheries Sector. We are in a dynamic economic situation and certainly our women will face challenges, our will is to overcome them and assist women participate positively in our economic development.

The Government can only go a step, but ordinary people must also take ownership of any government support. We therefore, encourage women groups to organize, build better networking for better solutions.

The Ministry will investigate the matter and see how it can better support women in business and fisheries, in Santa Isabel and elsewhere in the Solomon Islands.

The National Government, through the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour and Immigration (MCILI), supported the Sepi Women’s Inshore Fisheries Initiative. It aims to positively involve women in the supply chain and improve the quality and supply of fresh fish and other marine products to the Honiara markets. 


Prime Minister’s Press Secretariat

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