Kukum Traffic Director, Solomon Habatia has said he has major plans to execute in the provinces this year.
Mr Habatia revealed in an interview with SIBC News this week.
“We have major plans ahead as we are gearing up for our weekend operations including the continuation of the RPT test as well as other traffic operations and not only in Honiara but will also be extended to other provincial centres like Noro, Gizo and Munda in the Western province, Auki in Malaita province, Lata in Temotu province and Kirakira in Makira Ulawa province, so that’s a major plan coming up.”
Mr Habatia adds his officers will also conduct awareness talks about Breathalyser testing in the provinces.
“The same message in our awareness will be passed onto the people as well as conducting the RPT test in the provinces during this year.”