Registrations has been slow and low for North Malaita. Photo: SIBC.

Registrations. Photo: SIBC.

A Honiara businessman has called on the Government to establish an out-of-constituency polling station in Honiara for this year’s elections.

In a statement, John Kukuti said this is to avoid corruption between voters and their 2014 intending candidates.

Mr Kukuti said if the Government is able to register out-of-constituency voters in Honiara, the Government should also consider organizing those voters to cast their ballot for their intending candidates in Honiara.

He said he is concerned that this practice will encourage voters to lie to intending candidates to charter boats for them, while they cast their ballot to someone else.

He says he is making the call to all intending candidates to support this idea to have a provincial polling station in Honiara.

He says this is to save costs and lessen high levels of corruption that might emerge during that period.

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