The Court of Arms of Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

                                                             The Court of Arms of Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination (MDPAC) conducts its annual Planners Population and Development Conference in Honiara.

Director of Social Service Sector of MDPAC Daniel Rove expands on the conference.

“We’ve had this conference in the last two years, the first one was in 2014 and we had the second one last year in 2015. Basically, we bring those in the provinces to talk about population issues and challenges that we can share with each other.”

The need for improved data collection and storage surfaced as a key issue.

“One of the key things we are trying to advocate is to have better data and information, how we can actually best utilise data and information to help us to plan and budgeting in a more pragmatic way and not just planning and budgeting on an ad-hoc basis but should actually base on some kind of population baselines and such.”

All provinces are fairly represented at the Conference which ends today.

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