The Solomon Islands Meteorological Services plans to expand its current observation network to collect more meteorological data around the country. Photo: Courtesy of Eco Magazine

David Hiriasia is far right. Photo: Courtesy of Eco Magazine

The Solomon Islands Meteorological Services plans to expand its current observation network to collect more meteorological data around the country.

Director of Meteorological Services David Hiriasia said this is important to ensure data are collected from remote areas during weather observations.

“It is important that we try putting as much in the areas from which we collect meteorological data to make sure that we cover the critical parts. In terms of tropical cyclones, the Southern parts of the country like Temotu, Rennell Bellona, the Weather Coast of Guadalcanal and Makira’s Weather Coast. Those are very vulnerable areas and in terms of early warnings, we need to collect data from those regions,” said Mr. Hiriasia.

Hiriasia adds this will allow the MET office collect timely and accurate focus and warnings for the country.

He said renovation on provincial MET stations will soon see them equipped with automatic equipment for rainfall and weather recordings.

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