New MPGIS Permanent Secretary sworn-in

New MPGIS Permanent Secretary sworn-in

The new Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Provincial Governments and Institutional Strengthening, Mr. John Niroa Misite’e was sworn-in by the Governor General, His Excellency, Sir David Vunagi at the Government House on Wednesday 3rd July.

Misite’e replaces former Permanent Secretary Stanley Dick Pirione.

Misite’e was a long serving officer in the Ministry and was a former Deputy Secretary prior to his latest appointment as Permanent Secretary.

Hailed from Radefasu village in Central Kwara’ae in Malaita Province, Misite’e holds a Master of Arts Degree in Development Studies from the University of the South Pacific in 2007 and a Mini Master of Business Administration from the Australia Institute of Management in Brisbane, Australia.

He also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies, a Post Graduate Diploma in Social Policy and Administration and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of the South Pacific (USP).

He has extensive experience in Development Administration and Practiced with more than 10 years in Development Programming, Policy, Project Designs, Management and Implementation in both the government and non-government organizations.

As a Deputy Secretary prior to his latest appointment, Misite’e manages operations of the MPGIS with the 9 provincial governments including overseeing project management and quality control mechanisms for development programming of the MPGIS with the 9 provincial governments.

He also had a stint as National Project Coordinator for the Pacific Islands Regional Ocean-scape Program at the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in 2016.

That role includes daily operations of the project and the SI Program Component according to approved World Bank requirements and work plan, managing budgets and reports, and staff recruited under the program.

The role also included strategic liaison and coordination with Key stakeholders including regional organizations such as the Forum Fisheries Agency and Partners.

In 2015, he also had a stint as the Governance Program Analyst with the UNDP.

The role included ensuring effective management of the UNDP Country Office program within the governance area focusing on quality control from formulation to implementation of country programs in the democratic governance sector and Coordinating reforms in Parliament, Electoral Reforms, Political Parties and Anticorruption legislations and Provincial Governance and institutional strengthening programs.

Misite’e pledged his loyalty to serve the Government and people of Solomon Islands to the best of his ability during his tenure in Office.


– Government Communication Unit

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