OPMC rubbishes claims by MMF on the top police job. Photo: SICR

OPMC rubbishes claims by MMF on the top police job. Photo: SICR

The Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, O-P-M-C, has described claims made by Malaita Ma’asina Forum, M-M-F, that deputy police commissioner Walter Kola is the top choice for the police commissioner’s post as ‘rubbish’.

The O-P-M-C was responding to unsubstantiated claims made by M-M-F president Charles Dausabea that Mr Kola has been earmarked as the Prime Minister’s top choice.

The MMF president claimed, the Prime Minister and his cabinet should stop changing recommendation from the Police and Prison Service Commission this time round.

He said the first round did not work out not because of Araunisaka’a age but because Mr Kola did not get the job.

But in response, the O-P-M-C said they are disappointed that M-M-F has again interfered with the selection process.

A statement from O-P-M-C says the process has again being tainted, and names of shortlisted candidates leaked out to the media by MMF.

It said the public should however question Mr Dausabea how he got this information even before the recommendations comes to the Prime Minister.

The statement says, such information should be confidential, and the O-P-M-C is concerned that individuals and group are attempting to interfere with the process once again.

It stresses, Mr Dausabea had clearly expressed his dislike of an Australian leading the force and has shown the same by throwing Walter Kola in the same mix.

O-P-M-C says MMF’s accusation of the PM’s preference of Kola holds no ground.

It explains, Mr Dausabea and his cohorts have already made their preferences known by publicly opposing the Australian candidate and attempting to tarnish Kola’s chances.

It says, Mr. Dausabea should respect the applicants and allow the appropriate body to deal with the selection of the new commissioner.

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