Special Secretary to Prime Minister Rence Sore. Photo credit: climatepasifika.blogspot.com

Special Secretary to Prime Minister Rence Sore. Photo credit: climatepasifika.blogspot.com

The office of the Leader of Opposition says it is worried about the appointment of Rence Sore as Special Secretary to the Prime Minister.

Mr. Sore was former Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification when he was suspended by the last government over allegations of a royalty scandal.

In a media statement today, the Opposition says it wants to remind the Prime Minister that two wrongs cannot make a right, adding that decisions the Prime Minister had made so far, does not speak well of himself and the integrity of his office.

It says this is worrying and became a concern for the Opposition that the Prime Minister has appointed Mr Sore who had been suspended under the last government, over the $18 million of landowners’ royalties – held in trust by the Central Bank of Solomon Islands – that has been illegally paid to certain individuals and bogus companies.

The Opposition says Mr Sore as one of the prime suspects of this scandal, is yet to be cleared and the report surrounding the investigations has been spearheaded by the very office he is currently appointed to look after.

It said Mr. Sore’s appointment to this post would only jeopardize all reports of the case prepared by his predecessor.

Meanwhile, it adds this is yet another conflict of interest and a great concern that the current Sogavare-led government has turned a blind eye on it.

The Opposition office said they are also aware that the Bahomea and Malango House of Chiefs on Central Guadalcanal are furious with the news that Mr. Sore has been appointed as the Special Secretary to the Prime Minister.

It said turning a blind eye to the call made by the Chiefs of Central Guadalcanal would also jeopardize any Government plans in trying to forgo a working relationship with landowners in terms of finding a better solution for the future of Gold Ridge Mining.

The Opposition calls on the Prime Minister to reconsider Mr. Sore’s appointment or explain to the country if Mr. Sore has been cleared of the allegations against him.

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